
“Rock Me” was the original title. The composition needed work.


“Slim Pickins” the rework.


I have reworked this painting by adding a pictograph to the large rock and another starfish hiding behind the left hand rock. It is now called “Slim Pickins”.

The inspiration behind this piece is twofold.  I witnessed a seagull actually trying to eat a starfish when my husband and i visited Tofino a few years ago.

It was very funny watching the bird puzzle over the starfish, repeatedly trying to get more than one arm in its beak at a time eventually giving up.

The second inspiration was the texture. I had a tub of plaster type material and wanted to use it. It turned out to be a great tool for the rocks.The painting is varnished and glare caused a problem.  I should have used a polarizing filter but did not have time. My apologies.